Lightweight, precise, comfortable, versatile. A climbing shoe that adapts to your foot and not you to it. Designed for TRAD climbing, it has become a best seller thanks to its versatility. It is the perfect shoe for every moment, for every type of foot, rock and style.
A design, manufacturing and application system that makes it unique, revolutionary You will only need a few hours of climbing, for the Alpine Equilibrium System to do its work on your foot, taking your shape, learning your climbing style. From that point on, you will notice that it is made to your foot, that it responds to you, and that it is the best climbing shoe you ever dreamed of having.
The Tulson Tolf sock system achieves a perfect fit. VIBRAM® rubber guarantees maximum grip. And its balanced design in weights, materials, adjustments and pressure points make this a mythical climbing shoe.
TRAD VELCRO WOMEN is an animal cruelty-free climbing shoe. Its materials are toxic-free and environmentally friendly. 100% recyclable interior.
With thermoregulatory effect, 100% breathable, hypoallergenic, manufactured by a CO2-free process, Chromium IV free, anti-odor and antibacterial.
Antoine –
Es mi pie de gato preferido. Comencé a usarlo y me asustaron porque apretaban mucho. Efectivamente a las tres cuatro veces que los utilicé noté un cambio instantáneo. Sentí un pie de gato que de verdad estaba hecho a mi forma. Esto se lo cuento a todos mis compañeros de escalada que ya son muchos los que opinan igual. Vamos todos con TRAD! . También la magnesera TRAD es alucinante. Son piezas muy únicas, hay que probarlas para saberlo.
Gerard –
Soy guia de alta montaña, y os doy mi maxima puntuación porque en 25 años de experiencia y habiendo probado tantos pies de gato diferentes, al final TRAD es mi preferido. Es minimal, parece sencillo, pero está hecho con una complejidad tremenda para resultar sencillo. Es top.